Thursday, October 2, 2008

I'm a Winner

I used to complain about what crappy luck I had. For most of my life, I have never won any raffle, drawing or contest unless I entered it on behalf of someone else (like when I was 10, I entered my brother's name into a draw for a massive lego set at the local McDummies and he still pulled the heads off and scalped my dolls!)

For some reason, my luck has changed. Maybe it is because I joined a giving campaign for the next month (check it out - it is a really cool project) or because I bought a special booklet of blank postcards and religiously send them to my one of my favorite knitmags.....

This month, I have been the lucky winner of not one but two drawings from Knitting magazine! I can hardly believe it! Feast your eyes on what I've won:

Yes, I have won knitlit author Debbie Macomber's latest book, Twenty Wishes, and a Twilley's Knitting Fun Kit (those are sprites in case you are wondering). Now, I have never been so inclined as to actually purchase knitlit for myself nor have I been possessed by the urge to knit sprites. But I guess there is a first time for everything.

One thing I find very interesting about all of this is the strange coincidence (which in my eyes ceases to remain coincidence and becomes rather an instance of synchronicity) that Debbie Macomber was born in the same small town in the armpit of Washington State as I was. Knitting, writing, Yakima...there is a connection here. I feel it.

Knit well and knit often. And leave Yakima as soon as possible after birth.


rubbishknitter said...

nice one! :) So that's what sprites look like... I often wondered.

You're going to be able to build yourself a house out of books soon! Which is no bad thing. (Until it rains.)

French Knots said...

A prize is always a great surprise. I won my husband in a tombola so don't ever expcet to win anything angin! Well he was selling the tickets and we got we are 20 years later.
Jo ( from tuesday knitting)

Tamagosan said...

I've always known you were a winner! Congrats on this fun stuff...